American Canine Association


Hollandse Herdershond


Originating in the 1800s south of the Netherlands, the Hollandse Herdershond remains the same as it did then, as a wonderful working and herding breed for any farm owner. Unlike the Belgian Shepherd, the Hollandse Herdershondr56 did not gain the popularity in the USA that some would of hoped for. This breed makes an excellent all around working dog including but not limited to, agility, police work, farm work and guard dog.


Both males and females measuring 21-24 inches in height and weighing between 50-70 pounds, the Hollandse Herdershond is a large breed. Available in three different coat options including long-hair, short-hair, and wire-haired. This breed has a severe wedge shaped head that immediately fades into a severe scissor bite. Two thin, triangular ears stand strong on the top of their head. The Hollandse Herdershond has 4 very tall, long and thin legs, and a medium length tail that is slightly curved upwards. Overall, the Hollandse Herdershond has a solid, muscular and thin body build that is truly built for speed and agility. Available in a limited amount of color options for all three coats, this colors include brindle, fawn, gold, and grey. All shade variations of these few colors are common.


The Hollandse Herdershond is a working breed, so it is important to note with any working breed that the breed in general requires a daily task and job in order to be mentally and physically happy. Recommended only in adult households or with older children due to their "herding" instincts, and preferably in house holds without other pets. The Hollandse Herdershond is an excellent listener and learner so training will not be a hard task. This breed requires a long daily walk along with other outdoor activities. If this breed does not receive enough mental and physical exercise, they will become anxious along with acting out with ill full behavior. Recommended only for farm living situations, the Hollandse Herdershond is an excellent watch dog as well.


Short-hair : Daily brushing is required and bathe when needed. This variety is an average shedder. Long-hair : Daily brushing is required to reduce the chance of matting. Professional grooming is recommended every 4-6 months. Bathe when needed. Wired-hair : Daily combing is required as well as professional grooming about two or three times yearly. Bathe only when needed so you do not damage the oils in their hair protecting their skin.

Special Notes

Please fully educate yourself about the Hollandse Herdershond prior to adding one to your family to ensure you are able to make a life long commitment to your new addition both physically and financially. A properly fenced in area is highly recommended for this breed while outdoors. Please fully educate yourself about the Dutch Shepherd prior to adding one to your family to ensure you are able to make a life long commitment to your new addition. All dogs originate from wolves (Canis Lupus). Each breed of dog was originally created by mixing different breeds together in an effort to bring forth certain characteristics. Once a breeder has created acceptable “breed characteristics” within their bloodline and these “breed characteristics” have shown to be reliably reproduced in the offspring for three (3) generations, the bloodline may be upgraded from the category of “foundation stock” to “pure-bred”. The same “pure-bred” breed standards vary from different continents, countries, territories, regions, breed clubs, and canine pure-breed registries depending on the goals of their breeders. Dog DNA testing companies can have accurate results for a specific bloodline of a small colony of dogs. However, there are tens of thousands of different bloodlines in the world which have not yet been tested for marker baseline results by Dog DNA testing companies as of 2017. For this reason Dog DNA testing companies do not guarantee the 100% accuracy of their breed lineage results and will also show different marker results for the same pure-bred breed in different continents, countries, territories, regions, breed clubs, and canine pure-breed registries depending on the goals of their breeders.

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