American Canine Association


Blue Lacy


Originating around the early 1800's, the Blue Lacy is believed to be made up of the Greyhound, English Shepherd and some type of local scent-hound. Thought it is still unknown, what we do know, is that this breed was specifically used for tracking down and catching wild boar. This breed is extremely popular in the USA today and is mostly used for companionship and tracking down wild game.


The Blue Lacy is a medium to large size breed with males and females measuring 18-23 inches in height and weighing 35-50 pounds in weight. Their broad, wedge shaped head, forms into a longer muzzle with a scissor bite. Their two ears are large and long, and triangular in shaped, folded alongside of their face. Their two oval shaped eyes are available in a light amber, to dark orange in color. Their general body build is long, tall and active in appearance, built lean. Their tail is medium in length, tapers to a point and is help downwards and out. Their single layer, short hair coat is held close to their body, hard to the touch and available in all shades of blue, all shades of red, and sometimes tri, with white possible on their chest with any of these colors.


The Blue Lacy is not a dog meant for everyone. This breed would only be suited for a country living environment, with a daily job to do and acreage to roam on. The Blue Lacy is an active tracker and hunter who naturally searches for wild game and has naturally good instincts to work on farms and herd. This breed needs a lot of physical and mental exercise to remain happy and healthy. This breed requires a firm and confident owner who is consistent and able to provide the proper requirements every day for this breed. The Blue Lacy is an extremely fast learner, who is able to multitask and learn many, many traits.


Daily brushing and bathing when needed. This breed does shed.

Special Notes

Please note this breed is best suited for a farm environment. Please fully research yourself about the Blue Lacy prior to adding one to your home to ensure you are able to meet their life long physical and financial requirements. This breed is prone to skin and coat issues. All dogs originate from wolves (Canis Lupus). Each breed of dog was originally created by mixing different breeds together in an effort to bring forth certain characteristics. Once a breeder has created acceptable “breed characteristics” within their bloodline and these “breed characteristics” have shown to be reliably reproduced in the offspring for three (3) generations, the bloodline may be upgraded from the category of “foundation stock” to “pure-bred”. The same “pure-bred” breed standards vary from different continents, countries, territories, regions, breed clubs, and canine pure-breed registries depending on the goals of their breeders. Dog DNA testing companies can have accurate results for a specific bloodline of a small colony of dogs. However, there are tens of thousands of different bloodlines in the world which have not yet been tested for marker baseline results by Dog DNA testing companies as of 2017. For this reason Dog DNA testing companies do not guarantee the 100% accuracy of their breed lineage results and will also show different marker results for the same pure-bred breed in different continents, countries, territories, regions, breed clubs, and canine pure-breed registries depending on the goals of their breeders.

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